WEX Ocean City Fundraising Project

Small fund-raising: The first stage [sponsorship amount is NT$1,000] has a limited time limit and the attached pictures cannot be selected.

Small fund-raising: The second stage [sponsorship amount is NT$2,000], there are limited-time pictures to choose from.

Small business fund-raising: The third stage [sponsorship amount starts from NT$100,000] Comes with a variety of gift pictures to choose from.

Fundraising for medium-sized enterprises: The fourth stage [sponsorship amount starts from NT$1 million] Comes with a variety of gift pictures to choose from.

Fundraising for large enterprises: The fifth stage [sponsorship amount starts from NT$10 million] Comes with a variety of gift pictures to choose from.

Consortium fundraising: The sixth phase [investment amount starts from NT$100 million] to establish WEX Ocean City related units.

限期募款活動 / Limited time fundraiser



































WEX海洋城市主要募資項目將與相關專業單位(符合公益勸募條例)做配合,初期將提供藍天生成式AI所設計的各種海洋城市相關圖片(將編號歸類可自由選擇),授權可用印製於T-shirt、馬克杯、帽子、袋子、葡萄酒瓶、手錶、商品廣告、活動宣傳海報、玩具、年曆、年節、賀卡、轉印貼紙、 LINE貼圖、公仔、紀念品、NFT、虛擬貨幣、元宇宙等等,並分類為贈品、義賣、拍賣、限量版、收藏品等等在活動或網路上購買,除贈品外所有募款產品皆屬於類似LV產品導向,都是高端募款消費產品、所得將用於成立【WEX海洋城市基金會】費用。


未來海洋城市 / future ocean city

科幻海底遊樂主題公園的海洋城市 / Sci-fi underwater amusement theme park ocean city

海上科幻度假屋 / Maritime Sci-Fi Vacation Home

wex海洋城市基金會海底科幻辦公室 / wexOcean City Foundation Undersea Science Fiction Office

飛行機器人 / flying robot

水下探測機器人 / Underwater exploration robot

水下變形金剛 / Underwater Transformers

蜘蛛人形機器人 / spider humanoid robot

蜻蜓機器人 / Dragonfly robot

螃蟹飛行機器人 / Crab flying robot

家務機器人 / housework robot


Fundraising projects

藍天匯款帳戶:【0311754-0541224 羅金龍 】(初期暫時代收


Blue Sky Remittance Account: [0311754-0541224 羅金龍 ] (temporary collection in the initial stage)

Total amount of funds raised so far: NT$20,000


Donor remittance information link website:WEX Facebook website








WEX Foundation crowdfunding

Fund-raising behavior can be divided into two types: "public welfare solicitation" or "mass fundraising".

"Public solicitation" refers to the act of soliciting groups to raise funds or accept donations for public welfare purposes, but does not include the purpose of political or religious activities. Prior permission from the municipal or county (city) competent authority where the event is located is required before it can be carried out. In addition, if the fundraising activities cross counties or cities, you need to apply for permission from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The property raised through fund-raising activities can only be used for social welfare, education and culture, charity, humanitarian relief, or other undertakings approved by the competent authorities, that is, it is limited to public welfare purposes.

There is currently no specific definition of "crowd fundraising", but it usually refers to any collection of property or donation for "private benefit" purposes. It is more common for individuals or companies to propose creative projects and raise the funds needed for the project from the public through the Internet platform. It can be divided into 4 types: (1) Donation type (2) Feedback and pre-purchase type (3) Debt type (4) Equity type.

WEX Ocean City Foundation belongs to the (1) donation type of "crowd fundraising": donation type crowdfunding is a simple gift, and the initiator of the fund raising is not obligated to provide any consideration. For example, provide financial assistance to specific ethnic groups, athletes, artists, musicians or designers. Therefore, it is not necessary to obtain prior permission from the competent authority.

Jia Glasses, CEO of WEX Virtual Company 2024-05-24

WEX project activities

The First Blue Sky Future Ocean City Robot Global Tour Exhibition

Name: The 1st WEX Global Art Exhibition (planned to focus on official announcement)

Planning unit: WEX Virtual Company

CEO: Jia Glasses

Art Director: Dream within a Dream

Exhibition Date: From January 2025

Purpose: Creative new thinking changes the world, regardless of humans or AI, creating new world rules.

Nature: Anyone aged 10 to 80 can participate. It mainly focuses on technology promotion, supplemented by commercial operations.

Art exhibition projects: various ocean cities and future robot creative art exhibitions.

Type of art exhibition: Generative AI (including oil paintings, sketches, abstract paintings, portraits...etc.)

Exhibitors: People around the world who know how to use the Internet and generative AI.

Countries scheduled for global tour exhibitions: Taipei, Kaohsiung, Shanghai, Tokyo, New York, Italy, France, Dubai, Singapore, Monaco, South Korea, the United Kingdom, etc. 30 countries.

Organizer: 3 countries

Co-organizers: 10 countries

Participating manufacturers: 1,000

Participating staff: 200 scheduled (including many multinational lawyers and accountants)

Participating volunteers: 2,000 scheduled (including transnational real-life and online volunteers)

The goal is to create a business opportunity of 100 million US dollars, with a global advertising budget of 3~5% and personnel costs of 10~15%.

Total planned bonus: 10 million US dollars (100 winners in 10 projects)

The first place in global online voting will receive a prize of US$2 million, the second place will receive US$1 million, and the third place will receive US$500,000.

Registration fee: US$10 (three generative AI works can be provided to participate in the competition)

Global small-amount fundraising: US$100 (with online voting rights and free exhibition tickets)

Global large-scale fundraising: US$1 million (with regional hosting rights)

(All fundraising income and expenses of WEX Virtual Company will be displayed online by accountants.)

Modified version 20240426


A海洋城市商品專賣區  B機器人商品專賣區  C藍天商品義賣專區

Three categories of fundraising products

A Ocean City Product Exclusive Area   B Robot Product Exclusive Area   C Blue Sky Merchandise Charity Sale Area

Initial projects

The main fund-raising project of WEX Ocean City will cooperate with relevant professional units (in compliance with the public welfare solicitation regulations). In the initial stage, various ocean city-related pictures designed by Blue Sky Generative AI will be provided (the numbers can be freely selected), and authorization can be printed. Made in T-shirts, mugs, hats, bags, wine bottles, watches, product advertisements, event posters, toys, calendars, festivals, greeting cards, transfer stickers, LINE stickers, dolls, souvenirs, NFT, virtual currency, Yuan Universe, etc., and are classified into gifts, charity sales, auctions, limited editions, collectibles, etc. Purchase at events or online. Except for gifts, all fundraising products are similar to LV products. They are high-end fundraising consumer products, and the income It will be used to establish the [WEX Ocean City Foundation].


You can choose WEX Ocean City related pictures for event gifts

未來海上飄浮城市 / Future floating city on the sea

未來主題公園 / futuristic theme park

水上升降科幻度假屋 / Water Lift Sci-Fi Vacation Home

wex海洋城市基金會科幻辦公室 / wexOcean City Foundation Science Fiction Office

海底建築施工機器人 / Undersea construction robot

環保機器人 / Environmentally friendly robot

水下機器人 / under water robot

海底科幻機器人 / Undersea sci-fi robot

跳蚤機器人 / flea robot

蜜蜂機器人 / bee robot

螞蟻機器人 / Ant robot

居家機器人 / home robot

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