
CBlue sky merchandise charity area



Charity Sale Blue Sky [WEX Energy Chart]

Blue Sky Changes the World's [WEX Energy Diagram] (there are three design diagrams to choose from), each with a starting price of US$1 million (the buyer is asked to provide relevant brokers and lawyers for the transaction). It may be worthless in the future or it may be worth a fortune. The purchasing consortium can establish and manage the [WEX Ocean City Foundation], and assist in the operation of [WEX Ocean City] and raise the second phase of 10 million US dollars.





WEX Energy

[Future] Blue Sky is abbreviated as [WEX] to commemorate WEX energy changing Blue Sky and will soon change the world.

WEX generator function: A submarine generator designed to solve the energy crisis in the 1980s. It uses liquid pressure to generate electricity. Current physics believes that the deeper the ocean, the greater the pressure. The deeper the seabed, the greater the WEX power generation will be.

Result: Computer calculations at Taiwan's National Tsinghua University found that no electricity could be generated in the deep sea, and it was discovered that the [Three Laws of Object Pressure] overturned the basic physics known to humans for more than 2,000 years [there is no pressure inside objects of the same density].


藍天文章義賣 / Blue Sky Article Charity Sale

移民深海計畫191集、藍天散文(113篇)、藍天新諾亞方舟107集、深海好奇號日誌87集、海底王國86集、心靈小語73集、轉捩點50集、WEX虛擬公司40集、達人俱樂部40集、天馬行空計畫32集、攔截宇宙訊息(塗鴉牆)31集、cell company 28集、2030 26集、WEX超級賽亞人25集、樂樂專輯21集、圍棋科技21集、奇幻之旅21集、樂高新世界12集、智慧世界12集、經營之神的思維8集、



Immigration to the Deep Sea Project 191 episodes, Blue Sky Prose (113 articles), Blue Sky New Noah's Ark 107 episodes, Deep Sea Curiosity Diary 87 episodes, Underwater Kingdom 86 episodes, Spiritual Whispers 73 episodes, Turning Point 50 episodes, WEX Virtual Company 40 episodes, 40 episodes of Master Club, 32 episodes of Sky Power Plan, 31 episodes of Intercepting Messages from the Universe (Graffiti Wall), 28 episodes of Cell Company, 26 episodes of 2030, 25 episodes of WEX Super Saiyan, 21 episodes of Lele Album, 21 episodes of Go Technology, Fantasy Journey 21 episodes, Lego New World 12 episodes, Wisdom World 12 episodes, Thoughts of the God of Management 8 episodes,

Financing for hardcover luxury editions of Blue Sky Articles (tentative US$1,000 per edition):

It will be hosted by a well-known bookstore, and all proceeds from the fund-raising will be included in the WEX Ocean City Foundation. It will be officially released after a certain number of reservations have been registered. The current cover photo of the hardcover is for reference only.

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