雙魚玉珮 Pisces jade pendant
[WEX Digital Twin Ocean Project] is also known as [WEX Metaverse Ocean City Project] and is abbreviated as [Pisces Jade Pendant] (a mysterious replica supercomputer). It is a kind of data digitization, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. Technology, to establish a digital virtual avatar technology with 3D simulation. This nearly physical twin can display the changes of the original real object in the digital world in real time based on the information fed back from the physical space. Try to use digital twin technology to create an identical virtual ocean system, including greenhouse gas emissions, temperature changes, global water cycle, island use changes, ocean chemistry, etc., and start to build a real [WEX Smart Ocean City] (total investment The amount is estimated to be approximately one trillion US dollars).
WEX海洋城市架構 / WEX Ocean City Architecture
[Ocean City Architecture] Originated from fungi, when conditions are right, fungi will produce mushrooms and then release spores (seeds) in an attempt to colonize nearby areas. Mushrooms are just reproductive organs. Mushrooms are to mycelium what apples are to apple trees. Fungi are essential to life on Earth. The largest organism on Earth is a fungal network. Fungi are the best chemists on Earth, and many of our medicines come from fungi. Trees cannot survive without their underground fungal allies. Fungi have survived. The earth has existed for 1.3 billion years and has experienced five mass extinctions; fungi can save bees; fungi are a [decentralized intelligent network], and fungi are the real invisible savior of the earth!
The birth of AI robots will have two major impacts on human beings: 1. a greater disparity between the rich and the poor; 2. equal wealth. [WEX Ocean City] chooses [equal wealth], replacing humans with humanoid robots and giving back the proceeds to all humans (depending on the country). Income varies), for example, in a country with a monthly income of $10,000, if humanoid robots replace 50% of human jobs, the living compensation would be $5,000. This will be the first time that mankind will have the opportunity to escape poverty and create a beautiful life. The turning point is now. In the future, money will no longer have any meaning and will be just a number. Welcome to change the world together with Blue Sky!
WEX海洋智能土地 / WEX Ocean Smart Land
[WEX Ocean Smart Land] is basically made by converting 95% of seawater into floating ice through rapid freezing technology. [Cotton ice beams and columns] are harder than reinforced concrete columns on land, can be larger in size, more environmentally friendly, and faster to build. Faster. In addition to the insulation technology (maintaining frozen floating ice) and 1% surface crystals (similar to asphalt roads on land but technological roads in ocean cities), the rapid freezing technology comes from the use of solar energy converted into electricity to make ice. At the same time, it can also reduce the greenhouse effect and store carbon dioxide in the structure, solving the greenhouse effect and warming problems that are most troublesome for mankind at one time.
The biggest difference between WEX Ocean Smart Land and ordinary land is that it is land with intelligent thinking ability (similar to an offshore robot). Unlike ordinary offshore cities, it can not only use waves to generate energy, but also move, combine and Separation is the biggest feature.
One-click future WEX ocean city
The biggest function of AI is to shorten time, increase efficiency, double profits, and be easy to use. The [One-click Future WEX Ocean City] has two important keys. The first is to use the [Pisces Jade Pendant] (mysterious replica supercomputer) to simulate Plan [physical ocean model] and thousands of [WEX Ocean City] shapes; secondly, use [flying amphibious engineering robots] to replace humans to quickly build [WEX Ocean City]. The rise of supercomputers, generative AI and humanoid robots has brought us one step closer to the nine goals of WEX Ocean City:
1.0 One-click automated product production.
2.0 One-click 3D printing of houses and villas.
3.0 One-click farming, fishery and animal husbandry for large-scale breeding.
4.0 Build precision factories and shopping malls with one click.
5.0 One-click automatic creation of various types of cars.
6.0 Create modular smart land with one click.
7.0 Build various aircraft with one click.
8.0 Build various buildings with one click.
9.0 Build WEX Ocean City with one click.
Charitable activities
The WEX Ocean City Foundation will allocate 5% of the fees to public welfare groups, mainly to participate in, assist and promote global ocean public welfare activities, aiming to protect and maintain marine ecosystems, reduce pollution, and improve people's awareness of ocean issues. consciousness. In addition, 5% of the fees will be allocated to provide assistance to disadvantaged students with outstanding academic performance around the world to train the next generation of future stars to build the ocean world.
· 世界海洋日(World Oceans Day):每年6月8日,致力於提高人們對海洋生態系統的認識和重要性,以促進可持續海洋保護和利用。
· 國際海洋清理日(International Coastal Cleanup):每年9月的第三個週末,志願者在世界各地的海岸線上清理垃圾,同時記錄所收集的垃圾類型,以幫助瞭解和減少海洋污染。
· 聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP):該組織致力於促進全球海洋和沿海環境的保護和可持續管理。
· 【藍星衛士】全球海洋公益專案:該專案旨在動員公眾、社會團體、科研院校等參與到海岸線清理與監測及珊瑚修復等海洋環境保護活動。
· 世界自然基金會(WWF):該組織聯合一個地球自然基金會、騰訊音樂娛樂集團、碧歐泉、快時尚品牌UR等合作夥伴,共同發起"網裡有魚,網外有餘"海洋日系列活動,呼籲公眾關注可持續漁業、漁民生計和海洋保護議題。
· 塑膠垃圾問題倡議(Plastic Pollution Coalition):這是一個國際性組織,旨在減少塑膠污染,通過教育、政策宣導和行動來推動人們減少使用一次性塑膠。
· 海洋保護區網路(Marine Protected Areas Network):各國建立海洋保護區,以保護和恢復海洋生態系統,減少過度捕撈和破壞性活動。
· 海洋可持續發展目標(SDG 14):這是聯合國可持續發展目標之一,旨在通過2020年之前採取一系列措施,保護和可持續利用海洋資源,減少污染,保護生態系統。
· 塑膠污染減少協議(Plastic Pollution Reduction Agreements):一些國家和地區簽署了協定,承諾採取措施減少塑膠污染,例如禁止塑膠袋和一次性塑膠製品的使用。
· 海洋科研專案:許多國際和地區組織致力於研究海洋生態系統,監測海洋變化和氣候變化的影響,以提供決策支援和保護海洋生態系統。
· 海洋教育專案:教育項目和活動,旨在提高公眾對海洋保護的意識,以激發人們的行動。
· 珊瑚礁保護:世界各地存在多個組織和專案,致力於保護珊瑚礁,因為它們對海洋生態系統和生物多樣性至關重要。
· 捕魚和海洋資源管理:國際組織和政府合作,通過漁業管理計畫、減少非法捕撈和過度捕撈來維護漁業資源的可持續性。
· 海洋生物多樣性保護:各種倡議旨在保護海洋中的各種生物,包括海龜、海豚、鯊魚和其他珍稀物種。
· 海洋清潔技術和創新:科技公司和創新者正在研發技術,以減少塑膠污染、清理污染物和監測海洋狀況。
· 海洋旅遊可持續性:這些項目鼓勵可持續旅遊實踐,以減少對海洋環境的負面影響,同時支持當地社區。
· 沿海社區合作:一些組織通過與沿海社區合作,幫助改善他們的生計和生活品質,從而減少對海洋資源的依賴。
· 海洋能源開發可持續性:在一些地區,海洋能源(如潮汐能、波能和海洋風能)作為可再生能源的來源正在開發,以減少對化石燃料的依賴,同時減少對海洋生態系統的不良影響。
· 海洋生態系統恢復專案:一些組織致力於修復受到污染、破壞或氣候變化影響的海洋生態系統,如沿岸濕地、海草床和紅樹林。
· 海洋科學合作:國際合作和科學研究有助於更好地瞭解海洋環境、氣候變化、魚類遷徙等問題,以制定更有效的保護政策。
· 國際海洋法:聯合國海洋法公約旨在管理和保護國際海洋領土,確保公平和和平的使用和開發。
· 海洋藝術和文化項目:一些項目使用藝術和文化創意來傳達海洋保護的資訊,以引起公眾的關注。
· 政府間海洋保護倡議:一些國際和區域倡議,如北極理事會、西印度洋海洋委員會等,旨在促進海洋保護和可持續管理。
· 塑膠微粒問題:關注和減少塑膠微粒對海洋生態系統的影響,這些微粒通常來自微塑膠和微纖維。
· 海洋環境法律和政策:國際、國家和地區層面的法律和政策通過規範海洋資源的使用和保護來維護海洋環境。
· 海洋教育和意識活動:各種組織通過教育專案、文化活動和社區參與來提高公眾對海洋問題的認識。
· 海洋動物保護:各種國際和國家組織致力於保護鯨魚、海豚、海龜、鯊魚等海洋生物的權益和棲息地。
· 國際海洋觀察日(International Day of the Seafarer):這一倡議旨在提高人們對海員(船員)所面臨的挑戰和貢獻的認識,強調保護他們的權益和福祉。
· 國際海洋研究和監測項目:科研機構和國際合作專案旨在深入瞭解海洋生態系統、氣候變化、海洋污染和海洋生物多樣性。
國際海洋垃圾協定(International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships):這一國際法律協定規定了船隻排放物和垃圾的處理要求,以減少海洋污染。
Global ocean public welfare activities and initiatives:
1. World Oceans Day: Every June 8th, it is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of marine ecosystems and promoting sustainable marine conservation and use.
2. International Coastal Cleanup: Every year on the third weekend in September, volunteers clean up trash from coastlines around the world, while recording the types of trash collected to help understand and reduce ocean pollution.
3. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): This organization promotes the conservation and sustainable management of the global marine and coastal environment.
4. [Blue Star Guardian] Global Ocean Public Welfare Project: This project aims to mobilize the public, social groups, scientific research institutions, etc. to participate in marine environmental protection activities such as coastline cleanup and monitoring and coral restoration.
5. World Wildlife Fund (WWF): The organization, together with partners such as One Planet Foundation, Tencent Music Entertainment Group, Biotherm, and fast fashion brand UR, jointly launched the "Fish in the Net, Plenty Outside the Net" Ocean Day series of activities , calling on the public to pay attention to issues of sustainable fisheries, fishermen's livelihoods and marine protection.
6. Plastic Pollution Coalition: This is an international organization that aims to reduce plastic pollution and encourage people to reduce the use of single-use plastics through education, policy advocacy and action.
7. Marine Protected Areas Network: Countries establish marine protected areas to protect and restore marine ecosystems and reduce overfishing and destructive activities.
8. Ocean Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 14): This is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to conserve and sustainably use marine resources, reduce pollution and protect ecosystems through a series of measures before 2020.
9. Plastic Pollution Reduction Agreements: Some countries and regions have signed agreements pledging to take measures to reduce plastic pollution, such as banning the use of plastic bags and disposable plastic products.
10. Marine scientific research projects: Many international and regional organizations are committed to studying marine ecosystems, monitoring ocean changes and the impacts of climate change, providing decision support and protecting marine ecosystems.
11. Marine Education Project: Educational projects and activities aimed at raising public awareness of marine conservation and inspiring action.
12. Coral Reef Conservation: There are multiple organizations and projects around the world dedicated to protecting coral reefs as they are vital to marine ecosystems and biodiversity.
13. Fishing and Marine Resource Management: International organizations and governments work together to maintain the sustainability of fisheries resources through fisheries management plans and to reduce illegal fishing and overfishing.
14. Marine biodiversity conservation: Various initiatives aim to protect a wide range of life in the ocean, including turtles, dolphins, sharks and other rare species.
15. Ocean Cleantech and Innovation: Technology companies and innovators are developing technologies to reduce plastic pollution, clean up pollutants, and monitor ocean conditions.
16. Marine Tourism Sustainability: These projects encourage sustainable tourism practices that reduce negative impacts on the marine environment while supporting local communities.
17. Collaboration with coastal communities: Some organizations work with coastal communities to help improve their livelihoods and quality of life, thereby reducing dependence on marine resources.
18. Sustainability of ocean energy development: In some regions, ocean energy (such as tidal energy, wave energy, and ocean wind energy) is being developed as a source of renewable energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels while reducing the impact on marine ecosystems. Adverse effects.
19. Marine Ecosystem Restoration Projects: Some organizations work to restore marine ecosystems that have been affected by pollution, destruction, or climate change, such as coastal wetlands, seagrass beds, and mangroves.
20. Marine Science Cooperation: International cooperation and scientific research can help us better understand issues such as the marine environment, climate change, and fish migration, in order to develop more effective conservation policies.
21. International Law of the Sea: The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea seeks to regulate and protect international maritime territory and ensure equitable and peaceful use and development.
22. Marine Art and Culture Projects: Some projects use art and cultural creativity to convey messages about marine conservation and draw public attention.
23. Intergovernmental Ocean Conservation Initiatives: Several international and regional initiatives, such as the Arctic Council and the Western Indian Ocean Commission, aim to promote ocean conservation and sustainable management.
24. Microplastics: Focus on and reduce the impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems, which usually come from microplastics and microfibers.
25. Marine Environmental Law and Policy: Laws and policies at the international, national and regional levels protect the marine environment by regulating the use and conservation of marine resources.
26. Marine Education and Awareness: Various organizations raise public awareness of marine issues through educational programs, cultural events and community engagement.
27. Marine Animal Protection: Various international and national organizations are committed to protecting the rights and habitats of marine life such as whales, dolphins, turtles, and sharks.
28. International Day of the Seafarer: This initiative aims to raise awareness of the challenges and contributions of seafarers and to protect their rights and well-being.
29. International Ocean Research and Monitoring Projects: Research institutions and international collaborations aim to gain a better understanding of marine ecosystems, climate change, marine pollution and marine biodiversity.
30. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships: This international legal agreement sets requirements for the handling of emissions and garbage from ships to reduce marine pollution.
藍天海洋幣 / Blue Sky Ocean Coin
After the establishment of the WEX Ocean City
Foundation, [Blue Sky Ocean Coin] will be handed over to Metaverse scientific
research experts, Metaverse planners, Metaverse hardware engineers, Metaverse
ocean builders, Metaverse ocean ecosystem developers, and Metaverse network
security AI Professional CEOs such as robots, virtual currency, NFT, online
marketing, etc. are jointly responsible for the operation.
【元宇宙海洋】參考地球海洋面積為依據總面積約為362,000,000平方公里(1平方公里=302500坪)X 0.9 (扣除近海10%部分)X 50%(會員免費申請部分)X128萬美金(起標價依海洋城市進展做調整)=海洋幣虛擬市值約208兆美元。
Virtual market value of Blue Sky Ocean Coin in November 2024
The method used by Blue Sky [the virtual ocean of the metaverse] is to [create new markets out of nothing], also known as the [rising tide lifts all boats strategy], such as Steve Jobs' iPhone, Jack Ma's Alibaba, and Elon Musk's Tesla electric car. The goal is to use [free methods] to allow millions of people to join in creating a new ocean world and profit together!
[Blue Sky Ocean Coin] adjusts its virtual market value according to the progress of Blue Sky [WEX Ocean City].
All the initial funds of [WEX Virtual Company] need to be raised through the ocean virtual currency (referred to as Blue Sky Ocean Coin or Ocean Coin) of the virtual ocean NFT of the Metaverse to raise huge funds, and use the funds in the investment and construction of [WEX Ocean City] .
The virtual market value of Blue Sky Universe Ocean (WEX virtual company owns 50% of the virtual equity, and the other 50% of the virtual equity is open to members for free application).
【Meta-Universe Ocean】Based on the Earth's ocean area, the total area is approximately 362,000,000 square kilometers (1 square kilometer = 302,500 ping) X 0.9 (excluding 10% of the offshore area) X 50% (members' free application portion) X 1.28 million US dollars (starting price (Adjusted according to the progress of Ocean City) = Ocean Coin's virtual market value is approximately US$208 trillion.
Membership application reference:
1. Membership entry: A is introduced by Blue Sky, B is introduced by WEX virtual company, C is introduced by members, D free membership is limited to 10 million people.
2It must operate in accordance with the Metaverse regulations of each country.
3 Each recommended member can register for 1 virtual ocean area for free. After passing the review and becoming a formal member in one month, they can purchase a [Blue Sky Ocean Coin] of 100 US dollars (tentative). If members want to withdraw, they can also get [Blue Sky Ocean Coin] $100 refunded without interest.
The virtual ocean of the 4-dimensional universe uses the ocean coordinates of Google Maps as a reference standard and is divided in the way of Go. Members who are allocated territories can develop and utilize them first.
5. Preliminary planning of the virtual ocean of the Metaverse: Owners can build Metaverse buildings, operate businesses and various virtual business activities within their own territories.
6. The WEX Ocean City Foundation will be officially established only when the number of member applicants exceeds 10 million or 1 million to 2 million US dollars are raised, and NFT non-fungible tokens (ownership through transparent online transactions) will also be added. After joining NFT, when the number of free members reaches 1 million, [Blue Sky Ocean Coin] can be freely bought and sold (one ocean coin is equal to 1 square kilometer of virtual ocean area, and the virtual value is currently 1.28 million US dollars).
7All members must abide by the rules and regulations established by WEX Virtual Company.
WEX Virtual Company CEO Jia Yanjing 2024-11-01
海洋幣 / Ocean Coin